Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend "round up"

Thursday night we started off by taking the girls to the Bull Bash. Jordis was really into it, clapping everytime the rider came out and was actually paying attention for the most part. On the other hand, Elise was more interested in climbing up and down the stairs and in what everyone was eating. Saturday my mom and I took the girls to the parade while Ryan was off hunting in Elk city, still no elk brought home:(. The rest of the weekend we were pretty lazy and just stayed home and ran a few errands. I have noticed that the girls are playing "pretend" alot more. For the most part they are playing really well together and don't fight that often, but they have been playing "mommy and baby" so the one that is the baby is always crying. Half the time I don't know if they are playing or if they are really upset or hurt. If I don't have crying babies in my house I have 2 meowing kitties. I don't know which one is worse. I don't have any new pictures of Layla but Christel has finally updated her blog and has newer ones than me so check it out. If anyone wants to know how I changed my blog background, go to and it will give you tons of backgrounds to choose from. I think I am going to change it more often now that I know how to do it.


TAMI said...


Kristi O said...

check out my blog, you've been given some love!!!

great pictures!!!!

My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

Did you finally get a new double stroller? Cute pic's of the girls.