Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So I need a new name for my blog....I chose the name "All Caught Up" because up until a couple months ago I have been caught up to date with my scrapbooking. The last 2 retreats I have been to I have slipped further behind so the title doesn't really fit anymore. (and for those of you that scrapped with me this weekend you know how much this bugs me:) So I would like suggestion on a new title for my blog. I will post the idea's and any idea's I come up with so hopefully pretty soon I will have a new title.


My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

I only thought about this a tiny bit... I came up with...
Addicted to Scrap!
Addicted to Scrapbooking!!
I Scrap therefor I am... Broke
Cropping my Heart out...
I will google and see if I find something fun....

TAMI said...

Two x the SCRAP

double the SCRAP

TOO much 2 SCRAP

Cori said...

I'd have to say I like Tami's..Seem perfect for u..

Cori said...

I LOVE your new name!!

My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

I like the new choice for your title...

TAMI said...

aaaahhh you changed the name... good choice, good choice!