Thursday, December 11, 2008

Pucking, pooping, shopping......

I thought that would get your attention! Last Thursday morning Jordis woke up at 3 am throwing up all over her bed. I took the first half of my day off to stay with her until Ryan got home. Friday was no better so I took the whole day off to do loads of laundry and sit with my sick child. Luckily Elise was really good at keeping herself entertained and helped me more than usual. Friday night and Sat morning looked promising since Jordis slept all the way through the night and woke up cheery. I met my M.I.L in Whinchester with the kids so they could spend the weekend with them and Ryan while I went shopping with my mom and sister. Well come to find out she wasn't quite over her "bug". Now it was coming out the other end:) Ryan ended up taking her into Valley medical to get checked out and like everything else it "has to run it's course". She did get an antibiotic for an ear infection but that wasn't associated with the puking and pooping. She is now back to her normal self and I think she is trying to make up for all the eating she missed out on by eating all the time. I was able to get most of my shopping done so that is a relief. I now just need to finish up a lot of projects that are all half done. Sorry I don't have any pictures to post, I haven't had the camera out much. I am hoping to take the girls to see santa this weekend so if they actually get near him I will post it.

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