Friday, August 29, 2008

Her water broke!

Last night Christel stayed with me since cell phones were down and she was at home by herself. This morning about 7:30 am she told me that she thought her water broke and was going to go home to meet Richie and then go to the hospital. I just talked to my mom and she said that Christel has been admitted and that her contractions are 5 minutes apart. I guess she has been having contractions for awhile but she didn't know it because she thought they were just little cramps. So now I don't know if I should go to work or go to the hospital, since I didn't have a natural birth I don't really know how things progress. I am planning on working until I get a phone call that things are moving along faster. I will post pictures as soon as she has the baby. Keep your fingers crossed that it will be somtime today.

1 comment:

TAMI said...

How exciting!! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!