Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cell phone trouble

It is 8:45 thurday night and my phone is not working and neither is Ryan's. I was just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with their's. I cannot call out on it and Ryan's will ring when he calls but then it says call ended. My luck my sister will go into labor tonight and I won't know until morning. Hopefully it starts working soon because we don't have a land line so it's our only phone. So if you notice that your phone isn't working tonight please leave me a comment so I know it's not just mine.


TAMI said...

Both our cell's are working...we have inland cellular if that makes a difference?

Kenzington's Keeper said...

Waylons and my cells were not working last night at that time, we have Inland Cellular too. But they started working around 9:15.