Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome Layla Marie Lucas!

The Lucas Family
Layla Marie Lucas
Proud Daddy Richie
Well Layla finally decided to show us her beautiful face at 8:23pm tonight after about and hour and a half of pushing. She is 8 lbs 6&1/4 oz, 22 inches long and has kind of strawberry blond hair. From my other blogs you all know that Christel went in dialated to 2 cm and stayed that way until about 2 pm today when she finally changed to 4cm. At around 5 pm they upped her potosin to speed things up and it must have worked because I went home just before 5 pm and mom called me at 7pm and said things were really speeding up. When I got there at 7:20 she had already been pushing and only pushed for another hour before she was born. She is so beautiful and I think she will be a good nurser because her tongue was out right after she was born looking for something to latch onto. She did find her thumb which we all laughed about because Christel was a thumb sucker for a long time. Christel is doing well but really needs a good night sleep because she basically has been up since around 5am Fri morning. Here are a couple of pictures from tonight and I will post more after I see her tomorrow. Love you Christel, you did great!!!

No baby yet!!

It is 8:20 am and there is still no baby! She is still dialated to a 2 so they started her on potosin(sp?). The nurse said she should have her by 6 pm tonight so hopefully this evening I will be posting pictures. Just thought I would update everyone that is patiently waiting like me for this baby:)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Her water broke!

Last night Christel stayed with me since cell phones were down and she was at home by herself. This morning about 7:30 am she told me that she thought her water broke and was going to go home to meet Richie and then go to the hospital. I just talked to my mom and she said that Christel has been admitted and that her contractions are 5 minutes apart. I guess she has been having contractions for awhile but she didn't know it because she thought they were just little cramps. So now I don't know if I should go to work or go to the hospital, since I didn't have a natural birth I don't really know how things progress. I am planning on working until I get a phone call that things are moving along faster. I will post pictures as soon as she has the baby. Keep your fingers crossed that it will be somtime today.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cell phone trouble

It is 8:45 thurday night and my phone is not working and neither is Ryan's. I was just wondering if anyone else is having trouble with their's. I cannot call out on it and Ryan's will ring when he calls but then it says call ended. My luck my sister will go into labor tonight and I won't know until morning. Hopefully it starts working soon because we don't have a land line so it's our only phone. So if you notice that your phone isn't working tonight please leave me a comment so I know it's not just mine.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Idaho County Fair

We had a quick trip through the fair this year. We had a late start getting up there and then we had to be to a picnic for Ryan's Grandma June at 1 pm. Elise still does not like the animals and Jordis was petting the sheep and rabbits. Gma Eloise even tried bribing Elise to pet a sheep but that didn't change her mind. I only was able to take these 3 pictures because something is wrong with my camera. I am serious thinking about buying a Cannon Camera from Costco like Randi Jo bought. It comes with 2 lenses, a bag, and is digital. Right now it is just under $1,000. Does that sound like a good deal, I don't know. Hopefully this camera will last long enough to take pictures of Christel's baby when she finally decides to grace us with her presense:)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Email me please

If you haven't read my sister's blog today, you need to read it, it will have you laughing so hard you'll cry. Let's just say my brother-in-law is way more thoughtful and prepared than my husband every could be. Since my computer was crashed and then rebuilt I lost all my email addresses. If you read this please send me some kind of email so I can save you address to my contacts list. Ryan and I are off to serve beer tonight at the concert for Hot August Nights and to the Idaho county fair in the morning so the girls can see the animals and I can have a scone. I'll post pictures on Sun.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Prall family reunion

Aunt Chelsea & Macenzie
Elise asleep at the picnic
Nephew Zane
Kayden, Reed, Micaela, Dani, Zane, Jordis, Elise, Macenzie
Playing in the mister
This last weekend we went to the Prall family reunion down at Hell's Gate. Ryan's- dad's- mom was a Prall so it was alot of people that I didn't really know. Ryan's brother Ray and family were up from southern Idaho so we camped down there to spend more time with them. It was so stinkin' hot that the everyone including myself was on the crabby side all weekend. Luckily Ryan's uncle Bob had a camper with airconditioning so the girls and I took a 2 hour nap on Sat. It was nice that the girls could play with all 6 of their cousins all weekend, they don't get to see all of them at the same time very often. Ryan's dad bought a mister and set it up so all the kids played under that if we weren't at the river in the water.

We are still patiently waiting for my sister to have her baby. I call everyday to see how she is doing but no change. Hopefully it will be soon because our nephew Zane is already 9 months old so he is out of the "itty bitty" baby stage. I think his thighs were twice as big as the girls', they never really had that cute baby fat when they were that age. Ryan is going to the Rodney Carrington concert in Coeur d alene this Thursday and then friday we are serving beer at Hot August Nites again. Another busy weekend for the Aiken family.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Finally...I have my computer back

Denis and Dena Frei
Ryan "asleep"
The boys!
Becky by a creek at Kirkwood
Dena at the homestead at Kirkwood
After going over a month without my computer, I am finally connected with the world again:) Since my last post we have been super busy. We went on our annual "adults only" camping trip up river with the Bremers', Frie's, Weeks', and Heimgartner's. Ryan and Johnny fell off the wave runner going through a pretty big rapid when we were going up. Denis scared the @#($ out of Jenni and Dena when he started floating towards that same rapid with absolutely no power. Somehow he managed to get the jet boat started before they had to go through the rapid backwards. We did a lot of eatin', drinkin', dancin', and just layin aroung. Quite a few of us came home with sun burns, I'm still itching from peeling. The next weekend we went up the river again but this time with Justin Luther and in a bigger jet boat. We didn't quit make it to the dam but I don't think the boys cared because we saw some "flashing" women on a tour boat that went by us. My husband missed about an hour of the ride because he was "asleep" on the bottom of the boat.
In the mean time, the twins are getting bigger and smarter every day. They can tell you what almost every letter in the alphabet is and the sound that most of them make. They will get to see their cousins from southern idaho this weekend so I'll put some pictures of all of them together next week. Here's a couple pictures from the boat trip.