Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weekend happenings

I put one of those clickers on my blog to see how many people look at it just yesterday and it says that 35 people have checked my blog in less than a day, so I feel like I need to post more things more often. Our weekend started off by going to dinner at Bojacks with 4 other couple- friends for Dena and My birthday(which was yesterday). It was so nice to just sit and talk to everyone, even though we made the people at the table next to us leave, evidently we were getting a little loud:) Saturday the girls and I headed up to my mom's to go to my cousins wedding. His nephew Manny was there from Canada so I was excited. Manny and I used to hang out the summers that he would come down to visit his g-parents, now we don't see each other as often so it was really nice to see him and his new wife. Sunday my mom had an icecream cake for me and I opened presents from her. All day yesterday the girls kept singing happy birthday to me but were still a little confused about eating my birthday cake the day before when it wasn't really my b-day. I had a really relaxing b-day, I started reading the book Twilight was able to read about 180 pages by the time I went to bed. A bunch of us that have read the book are going to go see it in the theater when it comes out next week, it's a must read! Well that's about it for me, hopefully I will have pictures to post next time.


Aunt Jan said...


Kristi O said...

happy happy birthday!
i love reading your blog!

My 30seconds of *Sanity* said...

So it's offical I am the ONLY ONE not reading twilight.