Every night we have to make sure the girls have ALL of their animals that they sleep with. If we happen to miss one they let us know by yelling it over and over after we have turned off the light. In Jordis' bed there is : 2 pigs, 1 sheep, 2 dogs, her blanket, a book and sometimes a baby. In Elise's bed there is: 2 pigs, 1 dog, 1 sheep, her blanket, a book and most times a baby. As you can tell they still have thier binkies at night but I have started telling them that when Aunt Christel's baby comes we have to give their binkies to her since she won't have any. Some times it is ok with them other times they start to cry. They will probably not like the baby at first for taking their binkies. I was going to try the binkie fairy idea like Jamie but I don't think they would get the concept at this age.
For any one that has driven by our house you will notice that we finally have our yard hydroseeded. YEAH!!!!!! Ryan has the sprinklers all hooked up and set the timers tonight so hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will have green grass instead of dirt in our front yard. No the only project left for the year is to finish Ryan's room again after the flood. Luckily all that was damaged was the floor in his room so once that is in and the trim is up we can put all of his stuff back and maybe use the basement for something other than storage. I want to thank eveyone that has helped us this year with all that we have done with the house, we really appreciate it.
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