Saturday, March 1, 2008

What to do on a gloomy day?

Today I worked until 2 pm and then came home to spend the rest of the day with the girls(Ryan is working on his trailer to get it ready for a 4wheeler trip). I really wish it would warm up outside because I am running out of ideas for things that the girls can do. They are getting bored with all their toys so they just want to sit and watch tv. So today I went onto and found some coloring pages to print so the girls could color them. Jordis likes to take all the paper off the crayon before she even uses it. Elise is a mad colorer, she colors everything you put infront of her and then she's done and wants down. I need idea's of things to do with them to keep them away from the tv until it gets nice outside. All the games in the store are too old for them and they are a little too young for crafts. I love to do crafts and did as a kid so I have all kinds of ideas for them when they get bigger but if we did them now they would just have to watch me and that would not go over too well. If you have any new ideas for me please leave a comment.

1 comment:

Mommy said...


Dallon got bored in Dixie. The only games they had was Dominoes. We made him line them up and match the colors. That got boring really fast (matching the colors), but he enjoyed making a design with them or train tracks as he says.
