Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week in review

Dressing up cousin Layla again

2 sides have tin on them

It seems like the last few weeks have been so busy that I haven't had the time to post. The weekend after Easter we had our scapbooking getaway at my moms house. It was a great time with great friends. We even incorperated healthy food and a couple walks throughout the weekend this time. We had lots of laughs and had "good"conversations. Ryan was busy working on the shop, that weekend he was able to get the posts in the ground. This past weekend he finished 2 sides with siding. I want to send out a BIG thank you to Chris, Johnny, Denis, Duane, Ron, Ron, and neighbor Bob for helping with everything they've done on the shop(even though I don't think any of them will see this). The girls officially are 3 and half years old. The pictures above are of them the day they turned 3 1/2. We dressed up cousin Layla once again when she was over last weekend, but we added fairy wings this time. She loved the necklace and princess wand. Yesterday Becky, Jenni, Dena and I had a yard sale and did pretty well. I sold $170 worth of stuff and already spent most of it on summer clothes for the girls. FYI if you bring stuff to the Goodwill does not take any toys that are painted or made of plastic because of new government law that says everything has to be tested for lead. Hopefully May won't be quite as busy as April but I doubt it.


Desiree said...

Wow, the girls are getting so tall...and Ryan has gotten a lot done on that shop. Is it going to have a special name?? Like "The Dog House" or something to that effect?

Maria said...

I can not believe how big the girls are getting, I don't think that I have seen them since Christmas. Jordis looks like a minny Michelle with blonde hair.