Friday, May 22, 2009

Coming soon....

Elise and "Wolfy"

Jordis and "Serafina"

Well Ryan finally broke down and said the girls could have a kitten. He probably didn't think that they both needed one but that is what works best when you have twins. So, I have a client that works at a vet clinic that said they had a mother cat that had babies a couple weeks ago that needed a home. I took the girls over so they could pick out the kitten that they wanted and took their picture with them. Jordis picked out a white kitty and named her Serafina after her favorite cat in the Princess and the Pauper Barbie movie. Elise then thought she should name her kitten after the other cat in the same movie so her little female kitten is named "Wolfy". We will be able to bring them home in about 2 weeks so by then Ryan will probably be trying to sleep in the shop to get away from the cats(he isn't too fond of cats of any sort).
On Tuesday my great brother came down and poured the concrete for our shop. The girls were able to put their hand print in the sidewalk outside and thought that was the coolest thing ever. Now all we have left to do is get the big door installed and the electricity ran. Then Ryan is going to get the patio area ready to pour concrete so I can finally have bbq's at our house.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Busy weekend

Cori, Jody, Becky, Dena, Jenni, Velvet, Marni, Michelle

Miss Zip Idaho's Jenni telling us how it's done:)

Becky getting ready to zip

My annual picture with my girls

My weekend started out at 5:30am on Friday by seven of us girlfriends waking up our dear friend Becky:) She is having a birthday later this month so we wanted to surprise her early so she wouldn't be suspicious. We woke her up and told her she had less than an hour to get ready. She had no clue what we were doing until we pulled up infront of the ZipIdaho building in Horseshoe Bend. She was a little quite about the whole thing but she was real excited too. Becky and Velvet were the only ones in our group that had zip lined before so the rest of us were a little scared. We all made it through alive and all have their own stories to tell. We then went out in the big town of McCall and had a blast. The next morning was a little slow going but the Pancake House was our savior. On the way home they dropped me off at my moms to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. Sunday morning we went to the annual Mother Daughter breakfast put on by the men of the church in Ferdinand. The rest of the day was just spent relaxing and ended with a BBQ. What a great weekend, busy but so worth it.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week in review

Dressing up cousin Layla again

2 sides have tin on them

It seems like the last few weeks have been so busy that I haven't had the time to post. The weekend after Easter we had our scapbooking getaway at my moms house. It was a great time with great friends. We even incorperated healthy food and a couple walks throughout the weekend this time. We had lots of laughs and had "good"conversations. Ryan was busy working on the shop, that weekend he was able to get the posts in the ground. This past weekend he finished 2 sides with siding. I want to send out a BIG thank you to Chris, Johnny, Denis, Duane, Ron, Ron, and neighbor Bob for helping with everything they've done on the shop(even though I don't think any of them will see this). The girls officially are 3 and half years old. The pictures above are of them the day they turned 3 1/2. We dressed up cousin Layla once again when she was over last weekend, but we added fairy wings this time. She loved the necklace and princess wand. Yesterday Becky, Jenni, Dena and I had a yard sale and did pretty well. I sold $170 worth of stuff and already spent most of it on summer clothes for the girls. FYI if you bring stuff to the Goodwill does not take any toys that are painted or made of plastic because of new government law that says everything has to be tested for lead. Hopefully May won't be quite as busy as April but I doubt it.